May I please direct your attention to this article.
I spent the last post nattering about my yod. I keep assuming my yod is at least partially about him. But I don't know that for sure. Maybe it's just about my struggles to find myself as a writer.
Then I began to wonder: Does anything in Chi's chart sit on any of the three planets in my yod? Because that would seem to confirm that it is, in fact, at least partially about him.
If you look at the article and the first picture, the first picture looks like my yod. The two long legs and the short base. The two long legs point at Saturn. The other two planets are Neptune and Uranus. I expected that, if the yod was about Chi, one of his planets would be at the same spot as my Saturn, Neptune, or Uranus.
However, his Sun, Venus, and Neptune are all conjunct (which means that in the sky when he was born, if you looked up, they would all look like they were sitting on top of one another.) The conjunct isn't perfect ... Venus is a little off. But, when you place his chart over mine, his Sun conjunct Neptune is directly opposite my Saturn.
Which makes my yod ... the top drawing ... look like the bottom drawing. I have only a yod, but together we make a boomerang yod.
Please read the descriptions of both yods.
Chi, too, has a yod. Some astrologers wouldn't count it as a yod, because one leg of it is his descendant, with his vertex sitting on top of it, and not a planet. But, there are a fair number who would. I wonder if anything in my chart makes his yod a boomerang yod, too.
I'm going to go and look. If something in my chart does this, I'm just going to shit.
Um ...
Chi's yod is organized such that the apex of it points at his Sun/Venus/Nep conjunction (which isn't a perfect conjunction, as the Venus and Nep are almost 12 degrees apart with the Sun between them. So the Sun is considered conjunct with the Venus and with the Nep, but Venus and Nep are not considered conjunct with each other. So one long leg of Chi's yod is Mars quin Neptune, and the other long leg is his descendant and vertex (which are conjunct in less than one degree) quin Sun, biquintile Neptune (Venus is left out).
And my Saturn opposes his Sun, so ...
My Saturn turns his Sun/Nep, descending/vertex, Mars yod into a boomerang yod. Basically, superimposing our two yods over one another makes a formation that looks like a Star of David (only elongated because the two triangles are long and skinny.) We make each other's yods into boomerang yods.
No WONDER we have so many ties in our synastry they're like crazy glue. Not only that, but, say, when this Uranus goes over my Saturn, my yod AND his yod are activated at the same time.
Here's the question:
What is the point for two people to have such crazy-glue ties to each other in synastry that they can't forget each other, if all they're going to do is completely SCREW up their relationship and RUIN each other's lives??
Surely we planned to do better than that!
The articles state that the missing op that turns the yod into a boomerang provides the missing goal. So my Saturn is his missing goal. What is my Saturn?
WORK, work. WORK to resolve your childhood wounding. That's what I've done my whole entire life. That's what he HASN'T done his whole entire life. It staggers the mind to think how much better his life would go with better self-worth and a healthier understanding of relationships. And how do you get that?? WORK, work. WORK to resolve your childhood wounding!! My Saturn is his missing goal.
And his Sun is my missing goal. What does the Sun represent?
As Cafe Astrology puts it,
The Sun, the giver of life, represents our conscious mind in Astrology. It represents our will to live and our creative life force.
Just as the planets revolve around the Sun in our solar system, we derive our life purpose from the Sun in our natal charts. The Sun is our ego. It is also our “adult”– the part of us that censors our “inner child”, that reasons things out, and makes final decisions. The Sun is our basic identity, and represents self-realization. When you are asked, “Who are you?”, and you’ve passed your basic statistics and occupation, your answers will be a description of your Sun. The Sun also represents our overall vitality. The Sun directs us, and can be considered “the boss” of our chart.
The Sun (

Grant Lewi referred to the Sun as indicative of “the psychological bias which will dominate your actions”. He went on to say, “You may think, dream, imagine, hope to be a thousand things, according to your Moon and your other planets: but the Sun is what you are, and to be your best self in terms of your Sun is to cause your energies to work along the path in which they will have maximum help from planetary vibrations.” (1)(Mmmkay. Well, I don't know about any "planetary vibrations," but you get the general drift.)
When we are “acting out” our Sun, we are purposeful, directed, proud, and creative. On the negative side, we can be haughty, overly willful, self-centered, and judgmental.
(Or, if it's conjunct Neptune the way Chi's is, we can spend our life using other people's approval, drugs, alcohol, food, TV, fantasy, busy-ness, other people's problems (especially family), or some other kind of addiction to help us run from reality instead of WORKING to become competent in the areas we don't feel competent in in our lives. Such as self-validation, perhaps?)
(Or, we could be very very creative and artistic. That's a good Sun conjunct Neptune. So I get to choose, just as he does, which way we want to manifest the Sun conjunct Neptune.)
(P.S., only one way has a good outcome.)
In the chart, the position of the Sun by zodiac sign represents the native’s life purpose and the style in which they leave their mark in the world. By house, the Sun’s position shows where our personalities shine. The areas of life associated with that house reveal the types of experiences which contribute to our sense of individuality and which shape our sense of pride. These areas of life are ones in which we seek to express and focus our Sun sign qualities.
Isn't astrology fascinating?
Postscript: Why the fuck is it that as soon as I link to the perfect web page, the links don't work anymore no matter what computer I try to look up the page on?
Second best article on boomerang yods.
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