Sunday, February 25, 2018

What You Need in Order to Do Well in Therapy

I love Family Tree Brand Life Coaches.

From therapist Mark Smith, here is his list of how he can pick out which clients are going to do well and which aren't.

1.)    Highly motivated to change (yourself, not somebody else. And may I also add, change, not complain.)

2.)    Teachable

3.)    Be able to feel and embrace the emotional pain from family of origin

4.)    Ability to trust the therapist

5.)    Will do homework…read books, watch videos, do a 12 step program, etc.

6.)    (I just thought of this one myself.) If you find yourself in a therapeutic environment that isn’t helping you make progress, you can recognize that and look for a program that has what you need.

Also from my man Mark:

Effective Therapists:

1.) Don't lord it over you with a "Me Doctor, You Patient" attitude. They speak from their own experience too and "keep it real."

2.) They have done their own family of origin work.

3.) Works with the here and now issues going on with the therapist in the therapy room. (Especially if dealing with borderline personality disorder.)

 4.) Offers unconditional positive regard, but will confront you if you need it.

5.) Consults with other therapists when needed. (Especially when treating personality disorders.)

Lots of people can do well, they just need to connect with the right therapist and do the work.

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