Friday, July 27, 2018

Ethics in Astrology, Book Two

Recently, I was going through old astrology notes when I (re)discovered something scribbled in the very back cover of my astrology notebook.

Get this, taken directly from my audio recording with Astrologer Number One:

“Yods denote a relationship you’re not supposed to be in. If you have a yod, you asked the universe before you were born not to let you get stuck in that relationship. ‘Stop me if I go here, don’t let it happen.’” When the whole situation was WAY more important, and what we’re ALL supposed to learn from it, was WAY more complicated, than that.

If I hadn’t been so distressed by what I heard, if I hadn’t been so sure this couldn’t have been correct, I would never have learned what I needed to from this, and might very well have sought out another codependent and made the same mistakes, blindly not knowing why this was all happening to me and why I was so unlucky.





I ask the reader to kindly google “Yods in Astrology” and see, no matter what astrologer they’re reading, if you can find A-N-Y notes that read even remotely like that. Thank God, when I heard all that, I knew it couldn’t be true and I kept on looking for the truth. (You can see my own research on yods and on my situation in particular in prior blogs.)

I cannot believe this person told me that. Good grief. Either she’s poorly trained by an absolute idiot, or she feels morally entitled to put any spin she wants on what she’s reading, based on her personal feelings toward the situation involved.

Finding this, it’s more clear to me than ever that this person had her own personal bias—due to her own personal history—and that’s clear from her comments on her own Facebook page. Add that to the gobbledygook she spewed at me about the sixties and such that had NO bearing on my own situation at all and wasn’t the least bit helpful, and I truly have a bone to pick with this person.

I hate to use the word “quack,” but she sure did honk like a duck. And there’s some duck down drifting down on my head.

Clearly this person has her devotees who love her. I truly wonder why at this point.

All I can tell you is, if you are hiring an astrologer, explain your situation up front, and then make like a jury selection lawyer and ask them point blank if they have any negative experience that might bias them in the reading of your chart. Before they start the reading, so that if the answer is yes, you might be able to cancel and get at least some of your money back. (In my case, that was two hundred smackeroos.) You don’t want this to happen to you.

Be careful out there, and Don’t Step In The Duck Doo.

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