Friday, December 30, 2016

So, how much of your future is set in stone, and how much can you really change?


Or: Be very careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

When you lose the guy who looked perfect, and you’re desperate to get him back again, you’ll do almost anything.

I spent the equivalent of an old used car online looking up my yearly horoscopes, far into the future.

I have to say that what I found is absolutely terrifying.

As I said, I’m pretty sure I’ve got his wife’s birth time down to an hour and a half window. It turns out that an awful lot of interesting things run all through our horoscopes. I once hired an astrologer to do my and Chi’s composite chart, and she said this is a fated relationship. After buying all our transits on my own, I’m beginning to believe it.

I lined my transits, Chi’s and Rory’s all up side by side, read, and took notes. What happened when I did that was fascinating. Put Chi in between us, and you can watch him change relationships. A computer-generated transit won’t, of course, tell you who the other parties involved are, but every time Chi changes relationships, either Rory or I gain or lose a partner. When I’m bereft and unhappy, Rory’s happy; when she’s bereft and unhappy, I’m with somebody and happy. I’ve never met her, but the three of us look linked.

The story that's told goes on far too long and is horrible for all three parties in the end. And why the problems happen is very sad indeed.

I've moved the specifics to a private posting on Live Journal, but what Mark Smith of Family Tree Counseling says about situations like this is most relevant and should be viewed by anyone angry over anyone else's affair.

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