Friday, October 6, 2017

To Believe or Not to Believe, That is the Question



Sad, of course ("I'll never see him again!"), I consult the online tarot, which basically says the same as last time. It agrees with the astrology that nothing fundamental has changed over there.

You couldn't prove it by that anniversary photo. Personally, I'd rather trust my eyes, rather than oracles describing things I can't and may never see.

If the photo is true, they've done phenomenal work, work that deserves every success and happiness. Work that deserves my respect. 

And my phenomenal work is to learn how to live alone, work I have to do anyway. (With somebody this codependent, if I can't live without him, I certainly will never be able to live with him.) 

(It's even in, you guessed it, my fucking horoscope. North Node of the Moon in Aries. Eighth house.)

And if the photo is false and the oracles are true, but he doesn't come back to me and speak up, I will never know. If the marriage is bad, and he doesn't speak up, there's nothing I can do about that. 

It will never be my problem again. (And the tarot is telling him that!)

HE told me to stay away.

Therefore, the fact that he stays in the marriage, doesn't come back to me, and we never see each other again, isn't my fault.

If that's even the way it really is.

All I can do is just walk on, and be by myself. 

It's never fun to have to live the rest of your life without someone you loved (Gee, now I get to do that on two counts. Hooray.), but them's the breaks.

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